Monday 26 November 2012

Planning editing styles

Editing is one of the vital aspects in the process of film production which is generally used to provide coherence and continuity to a film. It is important as it works with the raw footage, selecting shots and combining them into sequences to create a finished motion picture.

The following editing styles our group would like to include our thriller are flash back, montage and fade as i feel that they work well within my groups story line.

FLASHBACK-  As a group we would like to use a flash back as one of our editing styles as within our story line an old lady has a flash back when looking at a picture of her daughter. This editing style helps the audience understand the narrative of our thriller as they know the relocation of time within the story line, or more accurately in our story line when the lady is looking at a picture of her daughter in which then the camera zooms into it and the audience see what happened at a time prior to that considered to be the story present.

MONTAGE- Montage was another style of editing which our group felt would be effective within our thriller. Montage is a series of short shots that are edited into a sequence, which is done to condense space, time, and information. It is used to suggest the passage of time which would be relevant to our story line when we want to switch from one location to another showing the victim being attacked and her mothers reaction knowing that she has.

FADE- We would like to use fade as one of our editing styles, it is a gradual transition from one image to another. we would like to use this when the unknown attacker turns of his torch light and the whole screen fades to darkness, like the same effect a light would have if it was turned off. This we hope will keep the audience in suspense and be left on a cling hanger on to what happened to the victim.

BLURR- Was one editing style we felt within our thriller. We would like to use the use of the blurr when the villain of our thriller if running through the forest, this would enable us to keep the villain unknown and in suspense as to who he is and what he is doing.

In conclusion these editing styles that we will include within our two minute thriller sequence will allow us to help make our thriller as conventional as possible due to the suspense the burr will deliver  and the development of  the audiences emotions though the editing style of the montage.

1 comment:

  1. You have made a start in explaining the different editing styles that you wish to include within your production. Now you need to explain how the editing styles will assist your thriller in being conventional.
