Thursday 27 September 2012


Sound is used in thriller films to inform the audience of the different situations that the characters are going through. sound used in thrillers are typically noisy  and  a lot of diegetic sound during the course of the film such as bangs and screams which build up to help create suspense and tension.

In scream 2 a variety of different sounds are used, we see and example of off screen sound when a woman is on the phone to the killer and we can hear what he is saying to her. This informs the audience about the conversation between the victim and killer, the audience now finds out slightly more about the killer. This type of sound relates to the conventions of thrillers as we can see and hear how frightened the woman is.

Parallel sound is another type of sound used in scream four when a man is being stabbed by the killer, it informs the audience that the man is being killed and enables us to know how without it actually being shown. The parallel sounds are conventional to a thriller film as it informs the audience that a murder is taking place and this is a typical narrative which the audience would expect to see. This type of sound would make the audience feel sympathetic towards the victim as he has just been killed by his stalker.

Non diegetic sound is used through out scream 2 to build up tension and suspense, it is typically used when the victim is aware the killer is around but cannot been seen by the victim, and example of this is when Randy is in the park on the phone to the killer where he says that he can see Randy where Randy cant see him, diegetic music is played throughout the conversation to bring up the intensity. This relates to the conventions of a thriller film as the build of of suspense is what the audience want to feel to make the film more interesting. this type of sound make the audience more intrigued to find out what will happen next.

1 comment:

  1. Your analysis on sound shows some understanding of how this technique is used within a thriller film. You have identified the main terminology words and you have explained the examples well too.

    To make your analysis more detailed you need to expand on the points that you are making on conventions and discuss how the sounds are more conventional to a thriller film.
