Thursday 27 September 2012


To create tension most thrillers use different editing styles to create different emotions, especially in thriller films style editing are used to create tension, which the audience expect to happen in a thriller film.

In the film strangers slow editing is used when a women is walking to the door while someone bangs loudly, this builds up tension and makes the audience scared as the people are in the middle of nowhere. A reaction shot is used when a woman is checking the person has gone from looking outside from her window after she heard footsteps. This editing focuses on showing she is scared and wanting to know if the girls has gone. This editing style is conventional to a thriller as it creates tension and shows the women scared.

A linking shot is used when the woman looks out the window again to make sure the woman has gone for the second time. The shot shows that the woman is still very frightened and wants to check no one is there even though she knows there is someone. This shot relates to conventions of a thriller because it shows the the character is on her own and very venerable, 

1 comment:

  1. This post on editing shows a basic understanding of how the micro element is used within thriller films. You have identified the terminology well but you have not discussed the conventions is enough detail. Also you still need to include one more point
