Friday 12 October 2012

Narrative Theory

Todorov theory

Todorov proposed that for all films all have a basic structure. All narratives begin with a equilibrium, where everything is balanced, either good, bad, or neutral. this is followed by a disruption, either to do with the character or an action. the protagonist realizes that there's a problem and tries to restore it. later on this disruption is resolved with a resolution at the end which then sets a new equilibrium.

Vladimir propp's theory
Vladimir Propp's narrative theory was created in the early twentieth Century. He believes a narrative is not important within a film, and that the characters have a narrative function that provide structure for a text. After analysing 100 folk tales, he discovered that all of the evident characters could be categorised into 8 broad types of different characters:

 The Villain - Struggles against the hero.

he Dispatcher - Character who informs the hero on lack and sends him on his quest.

 The (magical) Helper - Helps hero during quest.

 The Princess/Prize - Hero deserves to marry her, but cannot throughout the film because of the villain, often the quest is ended with the Hero and the Princess getting married.

Her Father - Gives Hero task and identifies False Hero, Propp noted that the Princess and the Father cannot be clearly distinguished.

 The Donor - Prepares the Hero

The Hero or Victim/ Seeker Hero - Reacts to the donor and gets married to the Princess.

 False Hero - In order to marry the Princess, he takes credit for the Heroes actions to impress her.

Aristiotles theory

Aristotles veiw is that all that is needed withing a film is themes

1 comment:

  1. You have made a start in describing the three narrative theories. However, more evidence is needed on Aristotle's theory by explaining what type of themes he recognised within themes.

    You then need to explain what theory your thriller will follow and why?
