Thursday 18 October 2012

preliminary task

The main purpose of this task was to test out our skills and knowledge for the first time by recording a short clip of Sam and jenna having a conversation and coming in from different angles. The task gave myself  and the group an insight on how to use the camera,and think about particular things which we would need to consider when creating our thriller such as appropriate locations, camera shots, character roles and if certain things are necasarrialy needed in a shot.

I found this task to be one of the most intersting so far as i was able to try out the editing programe which myself and my group will be using in the finishing touches of our thriller, i learnt what different things do what on the programe and how to cut certain parts of the recording we didnt need, and how to join camera shots together so it joins smothly rather than suddenly jumping to the next frame. I also learnt the different features on the camera and the correct settings for certain lightings. Being able to use the tripod with the camera also allowed me to see different camera shots which may be effective for my groups thiller film and how different shots help slightly when potraying a characters emotions or importance.

Below is my groups preliminary task:


As a group we decided to carry out a questionnaire which asked 10 different questions 

Write an evaluation to show your findings from your research into your target audience and explain how you will use your research to inform your planning.
·      What is the purpose of a target audience?
·      What types of research did you carry out and why?
·      How many people did you survey and why? 40
·      Were the vox pops successful and how will you with planning your thriller film?
·      Pick 3 different questions and discuss the results that you received. Explain how your results will assist you and your group with planning your thriller film
·      Were there any answers that you had to reconsider and why? 

Pie charts

As a group we decided to convey our newly found primary data in pie chart form as it was the clearest visual way we could portray our answers. It was also easy in which we were able to compare the most popular answer. The results from are questionnaire are shown bellow:


The fact that myself and my group have chosen to represent our data as pie chats will help us with our own group narrative as we are able to clearly see what is expected to be shown in a thriller to make it most enjoyable to watch to include within ours.


Questionnaires are very important when considering a target audience in that they give you a clear and accurate idea of what different age groups want to watch and what they don't want to watch. By caring out a questionnaire should give myself and my group an idea in what we should include within our thriller once decided on a target audience. shown below is the questionnaire my group created:

 My groups questionnaire
1) What gender are you?
Male Female

2) How old are?
12-15 16-18 19+

3) Which age certificate for a thriller film do you prefer to watch?
12 12A 15 18

4) What made you want to watch a thriller film?
Tv advertisements Recommendation Posters Other

5) What do you expect to see in thriller films?
Weaponry Flash backs Gore Death Other

6) What type of sound would you expect to hear in a thriller?
Tension building Horror sounds sound effects other

7) What characters do you like to watch in a thriller film?
One main character Group of people Young girl/boy Vulnerable woman

8) What do you find shocking in a thriller film?
Types of characters Plot Iconography (props)

9) Do you know the common plot for a thriller?
Yes No

10) What colour of clothing do you expect the victim and villain to be wearing?
Black/Grey and white Blue and pink Orange and green Purple and black

My groups questionnaire consisted of 10 different questionnaires on what they would expect or like to see in a enjoyable thriller film. All of the questions which were surveyed had a multiple choice which meant  it was quick for the people that we surveyed that and at the same time easy for us to see what people liked as they were specific answers. I have surveyed 40 people in total as it gives me a wide variety of people to get different opinions and views from randomly aged individuals allowing me and my group to have an idea of what the majority of people expect to see in a thriller  allowing us to put these conventions  and opinions people enjoy into our thriller knowing that people will enjoy it. As there are 4 people within are group we decided that each of us would survey 10 people each to fairly share out the work load. The task was very beneficial due to the fact that we had undertaken primary research meant that we was able to get accurate results that is recent and valid giving us a good insight in what people want to see in thrillers this present time.

Friday 12 October 2012

Narrative Theory

Todorov theory

Todorov proposed that for all films all have a basic structure. All narratives begin with a equilibrium, where everything is balanced, either good, bad, or neutral. this is followed by a disruption, either to do with the character or an action. the protagonist realizes that there's a problem and tries to restore it. later on this disruption is resolved with a resolution at the end which then sets a new equilibrium.

Vladimir propp's theory
Vladimir Propp's narrative theory was created in the early twentieth Century. He believes a narrative is not important within a film, and that the characters have a narrative function that provide structure for a text. After analysing 100 folk tales, he discovered that all of the evident characters could be categorised into 8 broad types of different characters:

 The Villain - Struggles against the hero.

he Dispatcher - Character who informs the hero on lack and sends him on his quest.

 The (magical) Helper - Helps hero during quest.

 The Princess/Prize - Hero deserves to marry her, but cannot throughout the film because of the villain, often the quest is ended with the Hero and the Princess getting married.

Her Father - Gives Hero task and identifies False Hero, Propp noted that the Princess and the Father cannot be clearly distinguished.

 The Donor - Prepares the Hero

The Hero or Victim/ Seeker Hero - Reacts to the donor and gets married to the Princess.

 False Hero - In order to marry the Princess, he takes credit for the Heroes actions to impress her.

Aristiotles theory

Aristotles veiw is that all that is needed withing a film is themes

Thursday 11 October 2012

Group Narrative

Group members:

Ruby de-Gallerie
Sam Pearl
Bonnie Sawyer
Jenna Van-Bergan

Bonnie's idea:

The idea that I am going to present to my group is that we should consider using the flashback technique for the opening scene. This way the opening scene doesn't have a slow start and we can go straight into a tense beginning.

The scenes will be set in a nearby field as this is an abandoned location which creates instant enigma. 

The story line will be a young vulnerable female being chased through the fields with a stalker male chasing her. I'd like the female to be wearing white clothing as it conveys and connotes her innocence however i'd like the stalker to be wearing dark clothing as this is a strong suggestion that he will be the villain.  

ADVANTAGES: Flash back idea, element of creating enigma.
DISADVANTAGES: Vague story line, needs more detail.

Sam's idea: 

The beginning may start with an obscured chase scene with the male chasing the female. She may hide and think the male has disappeared but he appears behind her and abducts her and takes her to a room that is abandoned/alone. The man goes downstairs to make a cup of tea. The girl is unconscious and wakes up in the room that has pictures of her all over the walls. She can then hear him walking back up the stairs and each footstep is more and more defined. Then then the door may fly open and it will end.

ADVANTAGES: Easy to obtain.

My idea:
The beginning of my thriller will start with two girls walking there dog in a forest in a small town, however hours before a murderer has just escaped from prison and was last spotted by the forest the girls are walking their dogs. whilst on the walk the murderer comes up and takes the girls to a deserted house basement and torches the girls. The murderer leaves the basement and the girls are left. one of the girls has a key in her pocket which she uses to cut through the thin rope slightly to eventually pull it apart. Both girls struggle toward the front door where the murderer is close by. one girl manages to run out of the door but the other one is too weak. As the girl is running away she hears the gunshot of her friend being killed.

ADVANTAGES: Easy to carry out.
DISADVANTAGES: Unlikey features.

Jenna's idea:
Grandmother sitting her granddaughter down and telling the story of her mothers disappearance as she begins to wonder what happened to her when she was 8. A traumatic experience that was never understood as a child and her curiosity kicks in as she starts to question. A video of her mother happily playing with their pet at the crime scene as a young girl herself. Flashback of one mid-evening dog walk the grandmother and mother in their well known fields, a strange appearance of a farmers tractor parked randomly. To avoid they enter the woody section and noises from unknown locations causes confusion and the mother is taken from behind, as her mother tries desperately to get her back but it unable to. Police are called and she is never found.

ADVANTAGES: Detailed, expanded story line.
DISADVANTAGES: We wont be able to include all elements e.g tractor within her ideas.

Group Idea

Grandmother is talking to her granddaughter discussing the disappearance of her mother. It will then turn to a voice over over a flashback explaining the scene/almost narrating. The scene will show a child being chased through a field as this is a good setting to portray an abandoned location. However the mother is never found and it is a mystery to everyone.

Individual Narrative

A narrative is important to thriller films as all fims have to follow a story line of some kind in order for their audience to engage with the film.

. 2 girls walking their dog in a forest
. murderer has just escaped from prison and was last seen by the forest
. girls are captured and taken by murderer
. one girl escapes and the others killed

My thrillers main setting will be in a forest and a basement in a house which no one has lived in for years, i have chosen these setting as they will be dark and deserted making the thriller to be more eerie. The character will originally dressed in normal outwear clothing, then later on in the film when the girls are kid

inspiration from other films last house on the left


The beginning of my thriller will start with two girls walking there dog in a forest in a small town, however hours before a murderer has just escaped from prison and was last spotted by the forest the girls are walking there dogs. whilst on the walk the murderer comes up and takes the girls to a deserted house basement and torches the girls. The murderer leaves the basement and the girls are left. one of the girls has a key in her pocket which she uses to cut through the thin rope slightly to eventually pull it apart. Both girls struggle toward the front door where the murderer is close by. one girl manages to run out of the door but the other one is too weak. As the girl is running away she hears the gunshot of her friend being killed.

Sunday 7 October 2012


Mise-en-scène is a French term and originates in the theatre It means, literally, "put in the scene." For film, it has a broader meaning, and refers to almost everything that goes into the composition of the shot, including the composition itself: framing, movement of the camera and characters, lighting, set design and general visual environment, even sound as it helps elaborate the composition.

The setting for the film prom night was set in a hotel, this type of setting is not usually conventional to a thriller film as the ironic type of settings often feature a ordinary location, to allow the audience to feel a link with certain characters, alot of the setting in thrillers are eerie ones w
ith an eerie past such as old schools, manors or churches, the setting of prom night this gives the audience a false impression as the plot unfolds. Also the fact that the film is set in a hotel with a large number of people miss leads the audience as they don't seem to think its likely for a murder to take place with the vast amount of people. 

Another element of mise-en-scene used in prom night was iconography, the scene at the beginning  of prom nights uses props such as glasses and bottles to represent that everyone is having a good time, later on in the film a fire extinguisher is used by the killer to break down a door to get the victim inside the hotel room, this is used to show the audience the victim is no longer safe in her room. This is conventional to a thriller as it is a weapon used to attack a victim, it also makes the audience feel sympathetic toward the victim and on edge to what is going to happen to them. Another prop used in prom night was a knife held by the killer, this portrays the killers power and dominance over the weak female victim as she has no weapon and is helpless.

Lighting and colour play a major part with highlighting people and objects within a film. Prom night uses low key lighting in this scene to represent a darker atmosphere, which is scary or mysterious.  It  produces a sharper contrast of light in darker areas on screen in order to develop deep shadows and silhouettes formations. in the case of this scene the shadows are of the murderer who is only just behind the victim. This is conventional for a thriller movie as it try's to create mystery so that the audience will be interested and want to try and work out what is going on.

The costumes used in prom night are suites and glamorous prom dresses, the way in which the characters are dressed gives us a clue in that they are very wealthy so therefore could be victims as they have money. A few of the victims in the film are dressed in in white/cream dresses which represents innocence and weakness, where as the murderer is dressed in dark clothing and a hat making him mysterious and giving him a hidden identity which is typically used in thrillers as the audience do not usually know who the killer is till nearer the end of the film.

This analysis has helped me understand mise-en-scene and the different aspects of it and the effects they create. My thriller film will include costumes such as the victim wearing white and the killer wearing black to show the higher status of the killers. I will also use facial expressions to convey emotions so the audience feel sympathetic towards the victim for example. 

Friday 5 October 2012

Age certificates

BBFC stands for the British board of film classification. It is an independent body which was originally established by the film industry in 1912. Local Authorities were made responsible for what was shown in cinemas and from early on accepted the decisions of the BBFC. The BBFC is important to the film industry as it to helps to protect young viewers and society from viewing unsuitable content while allowing adults to have freedom of choice.

The BBFC currently issues the following certificates. The category logos were introduced in December 2002, replacing the previous ones that had been in place since 1982.


This logo defines that all ages are admitted and that their is nothing unsuitable for children, film with the certificate ‘U’ should be suitable for viewer aged four years and over. An Example of a 'U' certified film is 'Finding Nemo'. This film is rated as a U 

Parental Guidance

Some scenes may not be suitable for young children under the age of 8. Unaccompanied children of any age are allowed to watch. However, parents are advised to consider whether the content may upset younger children. An Example of a 'PG' certified film is'Hocus Pocus'.


Films under this category are considered to be unsuitable for very young people. Those aged under 12 years are only admitted if accompanied by an adult, aged at least 18 years, at all times during the motion picture. However, it is generally not recommended that children under 12 years should watch the film. Films in this category could include things such as mature scenes, soft drugs, and discrimination. An example of a '12A' certified film is 


Only those over 15 years are admitted. Nobody younger than 15 can rent or buy a 15-rated VHS, DVD, or game, or watch a film in the cinema with this rating. Films under this category can contain things such as adult themes, hard drugs, frequent strong language and limited use of very strong language, strong violence and strong sex references, and nudity without graphic detail. Sexual activity may be portrayed but without any strong detail. 


Only adults are admitted. Nobody younger than 18 can rent or buy an 18-rated film or watch a one in the cinema with this rating. Films under this category do not have limitation on the bad language that is used. Hard drugs are generally allowed, and explicit sex references along with detailed sexual activity are also allowed. Scenes of strong real sex may be permitted if justified by the context. Very strong, gory, and/or sadistic violence is usually permitted.

Having thoroughly analysed the set guidelines for each of the levels of certificates available for a moving image, I have come to the conclusion that our thriller piece is going to be  rated a 12 certificate. I have chose this level certificate because I believe that the most suitable list of boundaries lies with the '12' more so than any other certificate, it is also more realistic to achieve similar conventions in our thriller than any other certificate.