Friday 8 February 2013

Audience Feedback

Audience feedback is essential to carry out as you are able to receive s the audience bring in the revenue and make a persons work credible, it is also what makes a film popular or not, audience feedback allowed me to easily analyse what the strengths and weaknesses of my thriller were. By carrying out audience feedback, I was able get different opinions from my target audience on my thriller, this is important as my thriller was created for what my target audience of 15 wanted .

Myself and my  group  screened our production in a West Hatch assembly in front of year 8's. The assembly consisted of  around 200 students including a few teachers.  we also posted our production on you tube once completed, by doing this it enabled us to gain instant online feedback, as it was easy to access from a range of different age groups from different people we did not know. This also helped us to further our research as to how  successful our thriller was.

I received both positive and constructive comments and these were;

Good comments

 ‘When the villain is running the camera shot is out of focus, which keeps the character
unknown. This suits a thrillers conventions, therefore keeping me in suspense’ -Nicole

Constructive comments
 ‘ Linking between shots could have been more fluent to make the film run smoothly’

-Michael McNeish.

‘Some shots should have been filmed with the tripod due to some unsteady shots’.

-Megan Gadd.

By reflecting on these comments I have discovered that i did create a successful thriller which did mostly suit the conventions my target audience would expect, especially in terms of the iconography and editing styles that was used.These comments have also allowed me to identify what improvements would need to be made next time to make my thriller production even more successful  if I could do this again, I would make sure that linking shots throughout the thriller would be more fluent. I would also use a wider variety of camera angle in order to keep the audience in suspense and engaged with the thriller production.